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3 weeks until out 1st performance of the Year get your tickets now to avoid disappointment


Thank you to all that attended Chris's Funeral last week. He had a great Send off.


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The UK's Best Self-Funded Male Voice Choir 2024

West Midlands Male Voice Choir of the Year 2023

Who are we

Established in 1922. Our original members were steel workers, potters, textile workers and miners from the surrounding towns and villages.  

While there were other male voice choirs in the country at this time, Biddulph was the first town in the area to have a male voice choir. 

Over the years the choir has performed in many competitions, countries and concerts. Winning accolades and awards as we go. 

The choir has seen many changes over the years. Tastes in music, technology and society have changed considerably since the 1920's The choir has continually adapted to those changes and continues to be a place for men to come together to sing, socialise and enjoy performing to the public. 


For a more detail click History

Join us

Are you male and over 18? 

Do you like music, want to get out more and make some new friends ?



Are you a partner who's other half is getting under their feet on a Wednesday evening? 

If the answer is yes to any of those questions then we are the place for you. 

We are warm, friendly and are always ready to welcome new members

Then click the link for a Chat.  Come Join Us!


Feel free to come to Biddulph Town Hall Wednesdays from 7PM

Upcoming Performances


Saturday 5th April

Dave Walley Memorial Concert

Biddulph Town Hall @ 7.30pm

Saturday 12th April

Bethesda Chapel, Hanley (12PM)

Free Concert


Wanting to book us for your event?? Please click the link Contact or via the contact details at the bottom of the page

We'd like to thank the below sponsors for their support.

If you would like to sponsor us please contact us 

For all your personal and domestic cleaning needs. 

Tel 07789 184851